Breastfeeding, even in the bath, has helped Amy bond with her son Max, 5. (Picture: Media Drum World Features)

People have lots of different views on breastfeeding, whether it's how long to do it for or where to do it.

Stay-at-home mum, Amy Hardcastle, has been breastfeeding her five-year-old son since he was born.

The 27-year-old from Lancashire, UK, wants to show people that it's normal for a child to breastfeed for as long as possible.

She nurses her son while naked in the bath and says nursing an older child is easier as she can explain how to feed directly.

Amy with Max. THIS MUM who breastfeeds her FIVE-YEAR-OLD son wants to show other people that it is normal for a child to breastfeed for as long as possible including naked in the bath because nursing an older child is easier as she can explain how to feed directly. Stay-at-home mum, Amy Hardcastle (27) from Lancashire, UK, is encouraging more and more mothers to feel comfortable nursing their children, regardless of the child???s age as she happily breastfeeds her son Max (5) on a regular basis. Amy hopes to break the stigma on extended breastfeeding and show critics that it???s completely natural and not something to be considered weird as it???s good for the child and encourages closeness. When Max was first born, back in July 2013, Amy didn???t initially feel comfortable breastfeeding her newborn, however she slowly gained the confidence enough to do it in public whenever Max needed it. At six months old Amy began weaning Max onto baby food, alongside her breastmilk as she felt like that was a good length of time to feed him breastmilk exclusively. However, Amy decided to join some local support groups and she got involved with a breastfeeding festival which educated her on the incredible benefits of breastfeeding which made Amy question why she should have to stop so soon. Amy Winter / MDWfeatures

She said it's easier to nurse an older child as she can wait till they're home to breastfeed (Picture: Media Drum World Features)

She is encouraging more mothers to feel comfortable nursing their children, regardless of the child's age, as she happily breastfeeds her son Max on a regular basis.

Amy hopes to break the stigma on extended breastfeeding and show critics that it's completely natural, good for the child and encourages closeness.

When Max was first born, Amy wasn't as comfortable feeding him as she is now. She'd felt uncomfortable at first but slowly gained the confidence to be able to do it in public.

After six months of exclusively feeding him breast milk, she started weaning Max onto baby food.

After getting involved in support groups and a breastfeeding festival, she questioned why she should have to stop breastfeeding so soon.

Amy with Max when he was four years old, breastfeeding in the bath. THIS MUM who breastfeeds her FIVE-YEAR-OLD son wants to show other people that it is normal for a child to breastfeed for as long as possible including naked in the bath because nursing an older child is easier as she can explain how to feed directly. Stay-at-home mum, Amy Hardcastle (27) from Lancashire, UK, is encouraging more and more mothers to feel comfortable nursing their children, regardless of the child???s age as she happily breastfeeds her son Max (5) on a regular basis. Amy hopes to break the stigma on extended breastfeeding and show critics that it???s completely natural and not something to be considered weird as it???s good for the child and encourages closeness. When Max was first born, back in July 2013, Amy didn???t initially feel comfortable breastfeeding her newborn, however she slowly gained the confidence enough to do it in public whenever Max needed it. At six months old Amy began weaning Max onto baby food, alongside her breastmilk as she felt like that was a good length of time to feed him breastmilk exclusively. However, Amy decided to join some local support groups and she got involved with a breastfeeding festival which educated her on the incredible benefits of breastfeeding which made Amy question why she should have to stop so soon. Amy Winter / MDWfeatures

(Picture: Media Drum World Features)

'I have breastfed Max for five years, and he breastfeeds now a few times a week, but neither of us have decided to stop nursing yet,' she said.

'I try to explain that just because something isn't the cultural norm here, it doesn't make it wrong. Breastfeeding makes complete sense since my body continues to produce milk to sustain and nourish my child.

'Once you've cracked breastfeeding it's just about going for as long as it works for both of you. Non-human primates stop breastfeeding around the time of the first permanent teeth, which is around five to six years old in human children.

'When he was younger I used to breastfeed in public, but now it's rare that he would want to nurse when we're out as he is older. It's always at home now.'

Amy and five year old Max. THIS MUM who breastfeeds her FIVE-YEAR-OLD son wants to show other people that it is normal for a child to breastfeed for as long as possible including naked in the bath because nursing an older child is easier as she can explain how to feed directly. Stay-at-home mum, Amy Hardcastle (27) from Lancashire, UK, is encouraging more and more mothers to feel comfortable nursing their children, regardless of the child???s age as she happily breastfeeds her son Max (5) on a regular basis. Amy hopes to break the stigma on extended breastfeeding and show critics that it???s completely natural and not something to be considered weird as it???s good for the child and encourages closeness. When Max was first born, back in July 2013, Amy didn???t initially feel comfortable breastfeeding her newborn, however she slowly gained the confidence enough to do it in public whenever Max needed it. At six months old Amy began weaning Max onto baby food, alongside her breastmilk as she felt like that was a good length of time to feed him breastmilk exclusively. However, Amy decided to join some local support groups and she got involved with a breastfeeding festival which educated her on the incredible benefits of breastfeeding which made Amy question why she should have to stop so soon. Amy Winter / MDWfeatures

(Picture: Media Drum World Features)

Max eats regular meals but is breastfed when he wants.

'I have no problem nursing during the day, so I'll keep going until he wants to stop,' says Amy.

'I don't have a problem continuing until he's fully done.

'I have friends who were also happy to continue to carry on until the child weaned and they stopped much younger because all children are different.

'Breast milk never stops being good for you and it's mostly about comfort and closeness.

It actually gets easier to breastfeed as they grow older. You don't have to breastfeed every two hours.

'You can also talk about it with them, I can let him know if my breasts are feeling sore or if I'm feeling touched out and need to say no or ask him to wait until later.

'Objectively it's a natural human function, but subjectively people have their opinions on it – none of which are relevant to me.

'I don't hate formula and I don't judge mums who don't breastfeed, but I do wish all of them had access to the support and information that they need to make sure they're making fully informed choices. After that it's up to them and what's best for their family.'

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